Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Favorite Recipe - Slow Cooker SesameGarlic Chicken

 There is nothing easier than a slow cooker recipe. On a busy week day the prep can be done in the morning - ready to serve right after work ! 

Serves 4 - 6

  • 3 lbs. boneless, skinless chicken breast
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1/2 cup soy sauce
  • 1/4 cup ketchup
  • 1/4 cup hoisin sauce
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp sesame oil
  • 1 Tbsp fresh ginger, minced
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/2 cup onion, chopped
  • 3/4 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
  • 4 tsp cornstarch
  • 1/4 cup water
  • sesame seeds, for garnish
  • cooked quinoa or rice, for serving
  • steamed broccoli, for serving
In a medium bowl, stir the honey, soy sauce, ketchup, hoisin sauce, sesame oil, ginger, garlic, onion, and red pepper flakes together. Place the chicken in the bottom of your slow cooker so that they do not overlap, and pour the sauce over top. Place the lid on the slow cooker, and cook on low for 4-5 hours, until the chicken is cooked through and tender.
Once done cooking, remove the chicken to a plate and cut into pieces (or shred with two forks – you decide). Transfer to a large serving bowl.
Stir the cornstarch and 1/4 cup water together. Transfer the liquid from the crock pot to a medium saucepan, and whisk in the cornstarch liquid. Bring the liquid to a boil over medium high heat, cooking until it thickens.
Pour the thickened sauce over the chicken, stirring to coat evenly (or you can choose to pour the sauce over each dish individually to control the amount of sauce). Garnish with sesame seeds.

Serve with cooked quinoa or rice and steamed broccoli (or any other veggie). Enjoy!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Money Monday: Budgeting 101


Budgeting your personal finances can seem like a daunting task. But it is quite simple to organize and secure financial success. These steps below are the best way to start taking control of your monetary life.

What is a budget?
Quite simply it is a set income and expenditure for a specific period of time. It allows you to estimate the money coming in and control the money going out. Budgets are extremely unique to each person/situation.

Where to start
You won’t be able to create the perfect budget on the first try. For a month write down every time you spend money and where it goes. Also write down every time income comes in (this is very easy if you have a recurring paycheck). Start asking yourself what are your priorities and/or big expenses.

Goal setting
Before you budget, you have set goals for yourself. Is it saving enough for vacation, getting out of debt, or having more fun money? Write these numbers down on the top of your budget.

Cutting back
Now that you have a goal, you can look at where to save money. For instance if your goal is to buy a new phone and you notice you spend $20 on coffee every week, a reasonable cut would be limiting yourself to $10 a week in coffee and putting the other $10 in the new phone goal.

Now you can start getting to the bulk of the budget. The rule of thumb for financial success is 50% of your income goes to necessities (i.e. house, food, car, bills), 30% goes to entertainment (i.e. restaurants, vacations, movies, etc.) and 20% goes to savings. For instance, if I make $100 a week, $50 would be spent on gas, food, and bills, $30 would be shopping or going out money, and $20 would go into my savings account.

Track your progress
Always update and check your budget every 3 days. Write down any expenses and subtract from the budgeted sum of money. There will be weeks you stick to your budgets and weeks you won’t. This is okay. The purpose of a budget is for long term financial success so don’t sweat unexpected expenses too much.

Do you have any creative ways to budget? What are ways that you stay on track with finances? Comment below and you could be featured in an upcoming post!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Applying to the Program : Step Three

The phone interview is naturally the most daunting part of the applying process of the Disney College Program. But if you are prepared and relaxed it will be short, easy and even fun!
It's go time. 

Step Three : The Phone Interview
  1. Prepare to be in a quiet room with little distraction
  2. Expect a call within 15 minutes of your schedule time from a blocked phone number
  3. Have a lovely conversation with a nice Disney employee
  4. Hang up and pray the hardest you ever have before 
  5. You will receive an email within 2-3 weeks after your interview with their decision!

I promise it will be the fastest 10 minutes of your life. I had such a great conversation in my interview that it was actually fun ! Take a deep breath and know this is the last step before your journey to the Magic Kingdom! 

  •  Have that resume next to you - they will spend a majority of the time asking how your past experience will help in your roles at Disney. Having your resume with job responsibilities is really handy! 
  • Always ask about their Disney story - at the end ask your interviewer about their Disney story. They get a kick out this!
  • Calm the nerves - I listened to Disney music before my interview to pump me up and put me at ease. You want to appear as calm as possible.
  • Smile! - As you are speaking, smile the entire interview. You may feel silly but no one will know and it makes you sound friendlier and more excited. 
  • Show excitement - I told my interviewer I was so excited I would work for free! They want students that want to be there and will take full advantage of the program. Let them know that!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Applying to the Program : Step Two

Now that the application is over, you will have to complete the WBI (Web Based Interview) to be considered for a phone interview. Many people over think this step but it is very easy.

Step Two : The Web Based Interview
  1. You will receive an email with a link to the Web Based Interview
  2. Sign in with the username/password set up during the application process
  3. Answer each question slowly (should take 30 minutes - 1 hour)
  4. Click submit and pray again
  5. You will receive an email almost immediately if you are considered a strong candidate or not and to set up a phone interview time.
That's it! The application is relatively simple and is probably the least stressful step of the process. 

  • Stay consistent - many questions will be asked multiple times in different forms. To keep your answers consistent (and receive a higher score) answer questions with either a 1 or 5. For example, "Are you comfortable speaking in front of crowds?" answer with "Very comfortable" or "Not comfortable at all" rather than "Mostly comfortable".
  • Don't rush- rushing through the questions may cause you to answer a question falsely. Many questions are worded in a way that may be confusing. Make sure you know what they are saying! 
  • Relax - the interview takes maybe 30 minutes and is simple questions. Just be honest and think of the requirements of a Disney employee when answering.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Applying to the Program : Step One

Deciding to do the program was a process that took years. I was always thinking of the best time to do it. Since I am graduating this December, Spring 2015 was the perfect opportunity! Before I could change my mind, I rushed to the website to start the application which surprisingly didn't take as long as I thought!

Step One : The Application
  1. Go to the Disney College program website ( http://cp.disneycareers.com/en/default/)
  2. Click APPLY NOW button
  3. Open the application and fill out work history, school experience, and personal information
  4. Click submit and pray.
  5. You will receive an email within 48 hours directing you to complete the WBI
That's it! The application is relatively simple and is probably the least stressful step of the process. 

  • Use Internet Explorer- don't know why but that's the program they suggest running the application on.
  • Have your resume on hand - you will be asked to fill out work/ school experience and will be asked about it in your interview. You want to stay consistent through each step of the process so having your resume as a guide helps.
  • Consider roles carefully- you are eligible for any role you say you are interested in, even if you say "not very interested". If there is a role you absolutely do not want put "not interested at all."

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Top 10 Reasons to do the Disney College Program

There are countless reasons to do the Disney College Program. Below you'll find my top ten reasons that encouraged me to apply and now has me on my way to the Magic Kingdom. 

1. Definite Financial Income

The program is a paid internship... that's two birds and one stone! You are guarenteed 30-45 hours per week but you can work up to 70 if you chose. The pay is a little above minimum wage depending on the role you get and if you refrain from buying every pin ever made - you can put a good amount of money away in savings. 

2. Don't know what to do after college? No problem!

Finding a full time job or going straight into grad school can be difficult for many recent graduates. The Disney College Program allows you to attend not only during your college career, but the semester after if you want. At least you know for 5 months you have a job and a place to live and you can put off finding a big-person job!

3. It's like studying abroad...but with American food

Studying abroad is a must in college. Not only does it give you a once-in-a-lifetime experience but it also is great on a resume. But if you aren't the type to pick up and move to a foreign county for months at a time, the program is perfect for you. You get the study abroad experience but without leaving the country. 

4. Can you say free admission?

All that needs to be said is you can go in the parks whenever you want...for FREE!!!
5. Meet people from all over the world

The Disney College Program hires international students as well, giving you the chance to live and work with people from all over the world! Also, the Disney Parks attract people from everywhere so you will experience different cultures and languages often. 

6. Learning from the "Kings of Customer Service" 

Disney is well known for their customer service reputation. Most likely, your career will have some sort of customer service responsibility. It is a valuable skill and it's best to learn it from the masters. 

7. Get a taste of freedom 

For those that haven't left home yet, this is the perfect opportunity to! You are treated as an adult during the program and it is 100% your responsibility to get to work and provide for yourself. And when you work hard, you get to play hard too!

8. You'll have Disney on a resume

Whether you are thinking of going to grad school or you will be seeking employment after graduation, a company like Disney is great to have as an eye-catcher on a resume.

 9. You are so close to beaches 

Whether you do the California or Florida program, you are on one of the most beautiful coasts in America. What better way to spend your day off then at the beach?!

10. Hello? It's Disney!

Plain and simple. If you are a Disney fan- the program is for you! You get to work, live and play in the parks for at least 4 months. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity to relive your childhood!!