Thursday, October 16, 2014

Applying to the Program : Step One

Deciding to do the program was a process that took years. I was always thinking of the best time to do it. Since I am graduating this December, Spring 2015 was the perfect opportunity! Before I could change my mind, I rushed to the website to start the application which surprisingly didn't take as long as I thought!

Step One : The Application
  1. Go to the Disney College program website (
  2. Click APPLY NOW button
  3. Open the application and fill out work history, school experience, and personal information
  4. Click submit and pray.
  5. You will receive an email within 48 hours directing you to complete the WBI
That's it! The application is relatively simple and is probably the least stressful step of the process. 

  • Use Internet Explorer- don't know why but that's the program they suggest running the application on.
  • Have your resume on hand - you will be asked to fill out work/ school experience and will be asked about it in your interview. You want to stay consistent through each step of the process so having your resume as a guide helps.
  • Consider roles carefully- you are eligible for any role you say you are interested in, even if you say "not very interested". If there is a role you absolutely do not want put "not interested at all."

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